La Granja - The Farm – Free Trial Session

Session 1 / 1

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  • - Welcome ~ Bienvenido Intro & Song - 1m 39s
  • - Hello ~ Hola Intro & Song - 5m 29s
  • - Instruments ~ Instrumentos Intro - 9m 01s
  • - Loud & Soft ~ Fuerte y Suave Intro & Song - 9m 47s
  • - We're going to play ~ Vamos a tocar Intro & Song - 12m 37s
  • - Instruments away! ~ ¡Guarda los instrumentos! - 16m 14s
  • - Actions ~ Acciones intro - 16m 38s
  • - Rain, rain, go away! ~ ¡Lluvia vete ya! Intro and Song - 17m 28s
  • - Wind the bobbin up ~ Enrolla la bobina Intro & Song - 19m 21s
  • - Let's go on an adventure to the farm! ~ ¡Vamos de aventura a la granja! - 22m 30s
  • - Magic Bag ~ Bolsa Mágica - 27m 13s
  • - The Farmer ~ El Granjero Song - 31m 38s
  • - Goodbye ~ Adíos intro & song - 35m 38s

Resources required

  • - Instruments
  • - Space for movement
  • - Yourselves!

Join us on our musical journey and learn Spanish along the way as we sing, make music, dance and explore La Granja ~ The Farm!

Learn our focus word this session granjero ~ farmer and find out about all the busy jobs there are to do en la granja. Make sure you have lots of space to join in with our fun action song ‘The Farmer’s Day ~ El día del granjero’.

Don’t forget to check out the EnCantada Shop, with music and activities to accompany our learning themes as well as pricing plans for subscribing to our fabulous learning programme.

Key Words & Phrases

There is no requirement at all for practitioners to be able to speak any level of Spanish to enjoy our sessions and our focus word is always accompanied with phonetic spelling.

But just to help out, here's a couple of words and phrases that will be useful to listen out for:

el granjero (ehl grahng-heh-roh)the farmer
el campo (ehl kahm-poh)the field
monta (mohn-tah)rides (he/she)
un tractor (oon trahk-tohr)a tractor
sembra (sehm-brah)sows (he/she)
semillas (seh-mee-yahs)seeds
cultiva (kuhl-tee-bah)grows crops (he/she)
cría (kree-ah)cares for/rears (he/she)
los animales (lohs ah-nee-mah-lehs)the animals
ordeñamilks (he/she)
las vacas (lahs bah-kahs)the cows
se va (seh bah)goes to (he/she)
la cama (lah kah-mah)bed
Free Trial Notes – Guidance Sheets

Our sessions are always accompanied with a guidance sheet for practitioners which includes:

  • Areas of learning – planned in accordance to the EYFS Statutory Framework (2021)
  • Observation opportunities with clear links to Early Learning Goals.
  • Lyrics, actions for practitioners and suggested resources for focus word song (including phonetic pronunciation for focus word).
Free Trial Notes – Resources

Reinforcing the vocabulary from our sessions is made simple with our ready made display resources, colouring sheets and fabulous activities sheets providing opportunities galore for revisiting the focus word and using it in real life context.

Enhanced Premium
Free Trial Notes – Certificate

The superstar of the session will love taking home our ‘¡Superestrella!’ reward certificate for excellent participation with space for their name, date and your signature to make it really official!

Enhanced Premium
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EnCantada free trial...

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07939 286068