La Granja - The Farm – Session 2

Session 2 / 7

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  • - Welcome ~ Bienvenido Intro & Song - 1m 49s
  • - Hello ~ Hola Intro & Song - 5m 39s
  • - Instruments ~ Instrumentos Intro - 9m 15s
  • - The Music Lady ~ Soy la Música Intro & Song - 9m 58s
  • - Up & Down ~ Arriba y Abajo Intro & Song - 13m 43s
  • - Instruments away! ~ ¡Guarda los instrumentos! - 15m 15s
  • - Movement ~ Movimiento Intro - 15m 39s
  • - Hokey Cokey Intro & Song - 16m 27s
  • - Dingle Dangle Scarecrow ~ El Espantapájaros Intro & Song - 19m 36s
  • - Let's go on an adventure to the farm! ~ ¡Vamos de aventura a la granja! - 23m 10s
  • - Magic Bag ~ Bolsa Mágica - 26m 35s
  • - The Tractor ~ El Tractor - 32m 26s
  • - Goodbye ~ Adíos intro & song - 36m 06s

Resources required

  • - Instruments
  • - Space for movement
  • - Something to wave about and dance with
  • - Yourselves!

Join us on our musical journey and learn Spanish along the way as we sing, make music, dance and explore La Granja ~ The Farm!

Learn our focus word this session a tractor ~ un tractor and enjoy learning colour vocabulary and riding ~ montando, ploughing the fields ~ arando los campos and much more in our fun tractor action song ‘The Tractor ~ El Tractor’.

Key Words & Phrases

There is no requirement at all for practitioners to be able to speak any level of Spanish to enjoy our sessions and our focus word is always accompanied with phonetic spelling.

But just to help out, here's a couple of words and phrases that will be useful to listen out for:

un tractor (oon trahk-tohr0a tractor
montando (mohn-tahn-doh)riding
verde (behr-deh)green
subiendo (soo-bee-yehn-doh)going up
bajando (bah-hahn-doh)going down
azul (ah-thoohl)blue
arando (ah-rahn-doh)ploughing
los campos (lohs kahm-pohs)the fields
rojo (rroh-hoh)red
tirando (tee-rahn-doh)pulling
el remolque (ehl rreh-mohl-keh)the trailer
amarillo (ah-mah-ree-yoh)yellow
tocando (toh-kahn-doh)tooting
la bocina (lah boh-theeh-nah)the horn
morado (mohr-ah-doh)purple
de vuelta (deh bwehl-tah)going back
granero (grah-nehr-oh)barn
blanco (blahn-koh)white
un descanso (oon dehs-kahn-soh)a rest
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