La Arboleda - The Wood – Session 7

Session 7 / 8

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  • - Welcome ~ Bienvenido intro and song - 1m 39s
  • - Hello ~ Hola intro & song - 5m 30s
  • - Singing with instruments intro - 9m 09s
  • - Loud & Soft ~ Fuerte y suave intro & song - 9m 44s
  • - Up & Down ~ Arriba y Abajo intro & song - 12m 34s
  • - Instruments away! ~ ¡Guarda los instrumentos! - 14m 07s
  • - Movement ~ Movimiento introduction - 14m 31s
  • - 1, 2, 3 intro & song - 15m 19s
  • - Hokey Cokey intro & song - 17m 58s
  • - Let's go on an adventure to the wood! ~ ¡Vamos de aventura a la arboleda! - 21m 07s
  • - Magic bag ~ Bolsa magica - 23m 47s
  • - Snuffle Hedgehog ~ Snuffle el erizo song - 28m 25s
  • - Goodbye ~ Adiós intro & song - 31m 15s

Resources required

  • - Instruments
  • - Space for movement
  • - Something to dance with and wave around
  • - Yourselves

Join us on our musical journey and learn Spanish along the way as make music, sing with actions, and explore in The Wood ~ La Arboleda.

Learn our focus word this session ‘un erizo’ – a hedgehog and find out why this cute little animal had so many púas ~ prickles! Meet Snuffle, our special erizo and sing our song all about him with actions too!

Key Words & Phrases

There is no requirement at all for practitioners to be able to speak any level of Spanish to enjoy our sessions and our focus word is always accompanied with phonetic spelling.

But just to help out, here's a couple of words and phrases that will be useful to listen out for:

un erizo (oon eh-ree-thoh)a hedgehog
arrastra (ah-rrahs-trah)shuffle
el suelo (ehl sweh-loh)the floor
púas (poo-ahs)prickles
tiene (tyeh-neh)has (he/she/it)
se hace (seh ah-theh)he makes (himself)
una bola (oo-nah boh-lah)a ball
con miedo (kohn myeh-doh)with fear (when it's scared)
hazte (ahth-teh)make yourself (into)
lindo (leehn-doh)cute
cara (kah-rah)face
puedes (pweh-dehs)can you / you can
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