La Arboleda - The Wood – Session 2

Session 2 / 8

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  • - Welcome ~ Bienvenido intro and song - 1m 50s
  • - Hello ~ Hola intro & song - 5m 40s
  • - Singing with instruments intro - 9m 33s
  • - Soy la música ~ I am the music lady - 9m 58s
  • - Up & down ~ Arriba y abajo intro & song - 13m 45s
  • - Instruments away! ~ ¡Guarda los instrumentos! - 15m 17s
  • - Movement ~ Movimiento introduction - 15m 42s
  • - Hokey Cokey intro & song - 16m 30s
  • - Dingle Dangle Scarecrow ~ El Espantapájaros - 19m 38s
  • - Let's go on an adventure to the wood! ~ ¡Vamos de aventura a la arboleda! - 23m 12s
  • - Magic bag ~ Bolsa mágica - 26m 43s
  • - Sneaky Fox ~ El Zorro Astuto song - 33m 29s
  • - Goodbye ~ Adiós intro & song - 36m 44s

Resources required

  • - Instruments
  • - Something to dance with and wave about!
  • - Space for movement
  • - Yourselves!

Join us on our musical journey and learn Spanish along the way as make music, sing with actions, and explore in The Wood ~ La Arboleda.

Learn our focus word this session ‘un zorro’ – a fox and learn some special facts about this interesting woodland animal. Get your hands ready to practise some clapping along to our special song ‘Sneaky Fox ~ El Zorro Astuto’ too!

Key Words & Phrases

There is no requirement at all for practitioners to be able to speak any level of Spanish to enjoy our sessions and our focus word is always accompanied with phonetic spelling.

But just to help out, here's a couple of words and phrases that will be useful to listen out for:

el zorro (ehl thoh-rroh)the fox
astuto (ahs-too-toh)sneaky
una cola (oo-nah koh-lah)a tail
peludo (peh-loo-doh)fluffy / furry
un animal (oon ah-nee-mahl)an animal
nocturno (nohk-toohr-noh)nocturnal
come (koh-meh)eats (he/she/it)
cualquier (kwahl-kyehr)any
cosa (koh-sah)thing
cuidado (kwee-dah-doh)watch out / be careful
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